Thursday, April 23, 2009

Introducing Jonas

Hey everyone!

I thought it was about time for you to meet another one of my favorite animals, Jonas, the Siberian tiger. Jonas came to us last summer as a 3 month old cub. You may even remember having your picture taken with him in our photo opportunity booth last summer. Over the past few months we have watched him rapidly grow into a beautiful tiger. Although he is not fully grown he still expresses all hunting traits of a wild tiger which he manifests in Ontario by, stalking squirrels and chasing birds. His favorite part of the day is when his trainers, Marcel and Niall, take him for a long walk, let him swim in the creek and teach him new behaviors.


1 comment:

  1. I think jonas is the coolest tiger ever and has the cutest face. I have seen him so many times and i never get tired of him I hope he lives a nice long healthy life and makes a lot of friends. from jean-luc
